Keep warm with a hat this winter!
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With the cold weather closing in and winter well on its way, it is time to bring out the hats.
A date cannot be put on when hats were first used but it was in the seventeenth century that women in the UK began to wear hats that were not influenced by men’s fashion – women’s headwear fashion really started to take its stance.
The bonnet, a very well known style of hat for women, was extremely popular in the first half of the nineteenth century. The ability to enhance a plain bonnet with accessories such as ribbons, bows, flowers and feathers was a big reason why the style was so loved for such a long period of time.
A bonnet hat
In the early twentieth century women’s hair became a lot shorter and so the cloche hat started to become more popular. This style fits close to the head and has a very small brim in comparison to the previous fashion of the bonnet. Cloche hats are still popular today, and so if you are looking for something a little smarter with a vintage-twist then this black cloche hat from Debenhams is a great choice.
Cloche hat from Debenhams
After the Second World War hats become less popular for women. During the war there was neither the time nor the materials for women to be as fashionable because rations were tight and most women who had previously not been employed had started to work.
In the 1960s both men and women had realised that there was less need to dress formally and so hats were not worn as frequently. The big hairstyles and the popularity of wigs also took attention away from wearing hats as often.
However, in the late twentieth century hats made a comeback and from then on have been super fashionable. Nowadays hats come in variety of styles, with some inspired by the fashions of previous centuries and some being completely new. Here are some great hats available this season.
If you want to keep your look minimalistic this winter then it is possible to wear a hat without looking too bold. This plain wooly hat from Accessorize is an all-rounder and its simplicity means it can be worn for most occasions – anything from skiing down the French Alps to nipping into town to do some shopping.
Stylish but simple hat from Accessorize
Cossack hats, which are based on Russian and Ukrainian styles, are very popular today. This Cossack hat from Accessorize is perfect for keeping the cold out whilst also looking super stylish.
Cossack hat from accessorize
If you are looking to add a bit of colour to your outfit then this bright red bobble hat from Topshop will do the job.
Keep cosy and warm in this red hat from Topshop
If you want something a bit more formal than a wooly hat or a beanie then shaker hats are very popular at the moment. This deep-red one from River Island is stylish and sophisticated – perfect if you want to impress at a formal event.
With this cold weather making a strong impact already, it is important to protect yourself from the elements this winter. So remember to add a hat to your outfit to create both style and warmth.
Amberlie Hyde