‘Fashion/Textiles Degree…Yes Please’
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Ok, so I managed to get a great result from my Art Foundation Course (all the hard work really had paid off) and I had applied to three different universities all of which were far enough away to say ‘I moved away’ but not so far that I couldn’t get home quickly in an evening if I needed to (I am a bit of a home bird). I had considered the bright lights, the big city and I knew I could have done it and enjoyed it but I didn’t want to be a small fish in a big pond – I wished to not only work incredibly hard (no distractions) but I also wanted my uni to be an enjoyable experience, getting to know everyone on my course and having a fab time. (To be honest, what I am trying to say is that London just seemed too big and scary! There’s no way I was able to go to London!)
My interviews had all gone well previous to receiving my marks (except from reading up about each Uni – this is a must!) However, the one I really wished for had fantastic facilities, student accommodation away form the Uni and it was nearer to my Dad who I really wanted to spend more time with. (Devon Bound). The course was a Fashion/Textile course and so I was still able to concentrate on the textiles (which I knew I loved) but it also meant dipping into garment construction, which I was just getting used to in terms of myself actually being able to do it. And so, Somerset College of Arts & Technology (Part of the Plymouth University) was the one for me and with my results enabling me to go, I accepted the place.
Within the weeks leading up to moving into the accommodation, I did read up a little more about fashion and textiles, finding out that if this is the career path I wanted, then it still meant being a small fish in a big, huge, vast pond. So many different ways, so many different styles, designers, construction terminologies, stitches, fabrics – just epic! However, it was ok as I knew that the whole reason for going to uni was (not just to have a good time) but was to learn and be taught all bout this industry. Whilst researching, I also found a facebook group that had a few people chatting about the course I was also going to be attending. I began to join in and got friendly with a ‘Laura’ who would be on my course. Chatting to someone before hand was fab as already felt less nervous and more excited!
I had packed all my stuff (my life) which was far too much to fit in my little room, my nan had supplied me with a food hamper (yes! Thank you Nanny!) and my mum had made sure that I had anything I needed to make my new home feel like home (including matching duvet set, rug, towels – all pink of course). Arriving was ok, once in my room and unpacking, it suddenly hit me that I was doing this and shortly (even though I kept saying ‘it’s fine now mum, you can go now’) Mum would be going home to Cheltenham but that I would be staying here in Taunton. It was hard but I knew its something I had to do.
I heard that that evening in the student bar, all the ‘Fresher’s’ were going to meet each other and just find others doing similar or the same courses. (Great – ‘Fashion Folk’ – what do I wear!!!) I went along with some of my flat mates, grabbed a drink (needed some courage from somewhere) and bumped into a ‘Laura’ (Laura who I had been chatting to online) who introduced me to some of her friends she had came to uni with and that was that.
I had read further into my course and was certain it was what I wished to do – tick. I had moved home – tick. I had found some friends – tick. I was happy – tick.
Fashion/Textiles Degree…Yes Please.
Georgina Rose Beaton
Studio: Cotswold Bride, Cheltenham
01242 260640